ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

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Messages : 5
Inscription : 03 mars 2019, 11:19
Localisation : Germany

ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par TimMax1112 »

Hello folks,

im currently build an ASSO XRAY and looks around for another homebuilder in the world. Please find in the attachment some picture about my Project.

Best regards
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Messages : 2717
Inscription : 21 nov. 2010, 14:35
Localisation : France - Picardie - Oise - Compiegne-Margny (LFAD)

Re: ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par gazaile100 »

Hello TimMax,
Welcome on board this forum.
Nice pictures, and I see that CNC will be at work very often and intensively.
"Keep calm, and build the aircraft!"
By the way, a short presentation would be welcome. Where are you from etc...
XK9 (FK9 Mk3 modifié train classique avec moteur VIJA 100cv, injection)
basé LFAD (Compiegne-Margny)
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Marc B
Messages : 3344
Inscription : 06 juil. 2011, 23:10
Localisation : Belgique - Baisy-Thy (EBBY)

Re: ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par Marc B »

gazaile100 a écrit : I see that CNC will be at work very often and intensively.
A la recherche d'un nouveau point G (code of course) ... :o :lol:
Welcome on board TimMax
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Messages : 4682
Inscription : 16 avr. 2012, 19:53
Localisation : Occitanie

Re: ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par Ramel »

Hi and welcome, hope you enjoy the construction and that you'll enjoy as much the ride.
Zenair 601xl
Messages : 5
Inscription : 03 mars 2019, 11:19
Localisation : Germany

Re: ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par TimMax1112 »

gazaile100 a écrit :By the way, a short presentation would be welcome. Where are you from etc...
Well, im from South Germany, Bavaria and work as an mechanical Engineer for a Aerospace Company. The CNC machine is build by my self and Im very happy about this unit. My parts im build up in Autodesk Inventor 3D and get an HSM/CAD-CAM unit that create the G-Code. A couple of the required parts to build the ASSO comes from the CNC mill.

Best regrads
Mylan aircraft
Messages : 41
Inscription : 02 nov. 2019, 13:04

Re: ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par Mylan aircraft »

Hi very interresting how you built the master of all airfoil
Messages : 5
Inscription : 03 mars 2019, 11:19
Localisation : Germany

Re: ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par TimMax1112 »

Master? What do you mean? The Heling?

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Merci !
Mylan aircraft
Messages : 41
Inscription : 02 nov. 2019, 13:04

Re: ASSO XRAY Homebuilder

Message par Mylan aircraft »

I talks about the mold to built each rib

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